Archive for March, 2017

If we take an AP class, can we opt out of taking the AP exam? If so what are the consequences?

A. Students who opt out of the test do not earn AP credit and the multiplier on the grade and GPA are both lost.

Can high school teachers fix the grades in the portal after the quarter has ended? If so, when are they able to? A teacher had an error with a grade from quarter 2 and has yet to fix it. Thanks!

A. The error can be fixed.  Please notify the teacher and your child’s counselor of the mistake.

Why do students at Shen high school hate students at Saratoga high school so much? the yell some pretty vulgar things at the sporting events and it’s a little concerning, can’t we all just love each other?

A. That is a long established rivalry. However, students should always show good sportsmanship and should not be yelling vulgar things at events…or they will be subject to consequences outlined in the code of conduct.

How come my parents pay thousands upon thousands upon thousands of dollars every year in school taxes, yet I, as a responsible high school student, am not allowed to use the colored ink in the computer lab without really special permission from a teacher?

A. Your parents pay taxes to support your education. The district has a responsibility to all taxpayers to contain costs.

I was wondering if Shen ever had a gymnastics team, and also if the district would ever consider starting one? This seems to be one of the only sports not represented by Shen, and in such a large district, the interest would certainly be there (especially given the popularity of gymnastics as of late). Thank you so much for your time! I really appreciate it!!

A.  Shen had a gymnastics team that was cut several years ago due to lack of participation and lack of teams to compete against.

If students pursue/complete the Capital Region BOCES Career and Technical School pathway, will they receive a High School Regents Diploma?

A. Yes.

what kind of gowns are the seniors wearing this year for graduation? traditional green and white ?

A. Yes.

Are we allowed to wear hats during school hours

A. It depends on the school. Ask your principal.

For the Infinite Campus App, what’s our District ID?

A. That’s been answered before. If you search on “District ID” you would find it here: