Tag: Middle School

If a student is attending a period 0 class in a middle school, what time can he be dropped off?

A.  A student can be dropped off in the Gowana Cafeteria after 7:30am.

How is the dress code enforced in the middle school, and what are the punishments for violating it?

A.  Students who violate the dress code are sent to the office and/or asked to change their clothes.

How to achieve a Superintendent’s award at the end of 8th grader?

A. The student had to have a 90% cumulative average for all of 6th and 7th grade and the first three quarters of grade 8.

Is a younger child entering 6th grade generally given the same teaching team as their older sibling?

A. No.

Hi my son is going into 7th grade at Gowana and no longer wants to be in band. How do I change this for him.

A. Contact his counselor.

How much do finals count towards a student’s final grade for middle school?

A.  Final exams will count towards a student’s final average as listed below: 6th Grade – 5% of the final grade 7th Grade – 10% of the final grade 8th Grade – 10% of the final grade Courses with High School weight – 20% of the final grade

Is there a rule of not carrying a backpack in middle school?

A.  Students are not allowed to carry backpacks until the last period of the day.

I lost my student I.D. for the 8th grade semi-formal, but have a ticket, dress and shoes and really want to go. Is there any way I can still go to the dance?

A.  Students should go to their counseling office and ask them to print off their summary sheet with their picture on it.

I’ve heard that if students do not participate in NJHS, then they wont be able to participate in NHS. Is that true?

A. No.

can a little bit of skin be showing for the 8th grade semi? Like an inch?

A.  If referring to the midriff, midriffs should  be covered.