Tag: Policies

Does the school really think it is possible to schedule a DMV road test after school? Time slots are slim pickings. There are really no options. You are lucky if you can get 2 time slots open 2 months from the time you start trying. This should be a excused absence. If we wait until summer to take the test we might not get a parking pass for senior year.

A. Excused absences are set by NYS Education law.

Why is there no breaks for Muslim holidays Christian holidays get recognized and get a day off while for us we are ignored?

A. The Board policy has stipulations for addressing religious observances for all religions. Please see policy 8360: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m6Xc63zMW3nhLEkpFQCjgc-2K7sRqhDStLYOTDMzfEM/view

Is a college tour an excused absence? What forms do you need if any to get signed?

A. Yes, you just need a note from your parents. BOE Policy/Regulation 7110R – Excused Absences According to Commissioner’s Regs 175.6: The reasons and applicable documentation deemed acceptable for an excused absence when school is in session, include, but are not limited to, the following: Personal illness; Illness or death in the family; Impassable roads […]

I saw a kid wearing a confederate flag shirt for the entire day and didn’t get dress coded. He wore it all day and nothing was done!! How come shen preaches equality and kindness but can let this absurd person wear something so disrespectful and do nothing about it.

A. That needs to be brought to the attention of the principal. It states in the District Code of Conduct BOE 4410R under dress code “In order to promote and foster a culturally proficient school environment preserving respect, dignity, and civility, students shall not wear or display racially or ethnically provocative or divisive symbols or […]

Are teachers legally allowed to hold someones phone over a break or a weekend?

A.  Anything confiscated from a student should be turned into the main office, with the determination made by the principal. Typically it is by the end of the day, unless the phone or device is evidence in an investigation, at which point the parent should be made aware.

What is the policy on giving homework over the weekend (for any grade)? If there is not one, why can’t teachers at least be considerate and not give as much or no homework on the weekends? After a long week of work, students need a break!

A. Here is the policy: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QoHYm3I129DlQk1qvxi6wfV4n-oTScEc7_tzvXYQ59c/view and here is the regulation https://docs.google.com/document/d/1i8H0WVYEfbaAUrZTsOSBMG-ERskS5o3IQ_ZxBJy3bPQ/view

Is there a policy in place for teachers using essential oil defusers in school? My daughter has complained several times about her teacher using hers. The smell makes my daughter feel nauseous. I told her to tell the teacher. She is afraid to speak up as the 6th grade Acadia teacher informed her it couldn’t possibly be because it is an essential oil and it is a calming oil that should be helping her stomach. She shouldn’t be worrying about getting a backlash from a teacher because she is using this defuser not all people toerate them I know I am sensative to certain smells myself ( perfumes and candle scents). Where can I find information on if this allowed in my childs class? Thank you.

A.  There should be no diffusers being used in classrooms or any place else in district.  It is a fire code violation. 

What is the phone policy for teachers? One of my teachers uses her phone during class and doesn’t turn it on silent almost every day.

A.  Unless it is an emergency,  no one, students or staff, should be talking on their phone during a class period. 

why do kids get yelled at for wearing hoods but not yelled at if they’re wearing hijabs?

A. Dress Code, BOE Policy 4410R: Students, at the discretion of the building administration, may be allowed to wear head wear in school. Head wear for medical or religious purposes is permitted, as long as appropriate documentation or notification is provided.

Where can I find all the shen boe policies, Thank You!

A. https://sites.google.com/a/shenschools.org/shenboe/home-1/shen-boe-policy-manual-1/table-of-contents