Dignity for All Students Act – DASA

Bullying is intentional and repetitive cruelty. It can be verbal or physical. It can also take the form of social exclusion or isolation, lies, false rumors, property damage or forced specific actions. Cyberbullying is actions that use information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group, that is intended to harm another or others. Bullies use their power—such as physical strength, access to embarrassing information, or popularity—to control or harm others. All forms of bullying can cause depression, health problems, low self-esteem, and poor grades.

Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) protects students from harassment, discrimination and bullying by other students or school employees. It provides that no student shall be subjected to discrimination based on his or her actual or perceived race, color, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, weight, sexual orientation, sexual identity, or sex. DASA explicitly states that the harassment is the creation of a hostile environment through bullying, taunting and intimidation.

Cyberbullying Amendment to DASA establishes protocols to respond to cyberbullying. It grants schools authority over communications that occurs off-campus if it creates a hostile environment, a risk of a substantial disruption at school and it is foreseeable that the conduct, threats, intimidation or abuse might reach school property. Under the bill, a principal, superintendent or the designee is charged with investigating reports of cyberbullying. If the investigation verifies harassment, bullying or discrimination, the school would be required to take prompt actions to end the harassment.

Dignity Act Coordinators – DASA requires that at least one staff member at every school be trained as a Dignity Act Coordinator to handle issues related to race, color, weight,national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender and sex.  If you or your child has an act of bullying to report, please contact your school’s coordinator (listed below) or principal.

  • High School East – Dustin Verga, Jackie Michalski, Kristen Lennon- McMahan
  • High School West – Jennifer Lee-Alden
  • Acadia – Liza Reif, Gail M. Bates, Ellen L. Mainwaring, Kristin DuGuay
  • Gowana – Tom Hopkins, Caryn F. Simone, Linda L. Coye, Aimee McGinniss
  • Koda – Chelsea Wilson, Donald M. Shea, Stacy Vadney, Isaiah Vail
  • Arongen – Tracy Rodriguez
  • Chango – Andrew Sheehan
  • Karigon – Debra L. Reinisch
  • Okte – Erica S. Rock
  • Orenda – Courtney R. Swisher
  • Shatekon – Esma Simohamed
  • Skano – Jaclyn M. Franchini
  • Tesago – Amy K. Quinlivan

For more information, contact: Rebecca Carman (518) 881-0611