Tag: Athletics

why do they not use the scoreboard for Modified or Freshman football and is only on for JV and Varsity.

A. We put the board on to show the score, but do not use it for time at the lower levels.  

Do you think the school would allow a female football player on the Shen football team, if they happen to play good enough?

A.  Females are allowed to play football under the NYSPHSAA rule called mixed competition. As part of this, females must pass a physical fitness test.  For further information, contact the athletic office. 

Is there currently, or will Shen ever have a shooting sports team or club of any kind (3 position rifle, trap, etc)? I think it would be a great opportunity for students, especially given the limited number or shooting ranges nearby.

A.  We are currently not looking at this as a club or sport. 

Can high school coaches, during the school season instruct specific Clifton Park affiliated sports programs for their teams? Wouldn’t that be unfair to athletes that do no play on those specific teams during school tryouts?

A.  Coaches are encouraged to get involved with community and youth programs in the off-season.  If a student-athlete wishes to play for a certain club or team, that’s their decision. 

I wasn’t sure I heard this correctly, though it was the answer on the grapevine. The atheletes get luxury charter busses? Which athelets? These busses are in the parking lot year round, and there are more than 2 each day. Which atheletes get to ride these?

A. It varies. Due to the bus driver shortage, athletic teams often need to use charter busses to get to away games and then get picked up by a district bus. This is not an ideal situation, however, our teams have an obligation to get to their scheduled games and contests. 

why is there not a modified team for girl’s tennis?

A. Because the Suburban Council does not offer Modified Tennis.

Is there a height requirement for the varsity basketball team, because i’ve noticed most players are at least over 6ft tall. I’m just wondering this because i’m only 5ft 2 but i know i can still ball like the rest, maybe even better.

A. No, just a skill requirement.

Is there a bowling team for in high school

A. Yes.

I think they should put more bleachers at the baseball fields across from the middle schools…I am sitting on a hill right now.

A. Thanks for the feedback.

What kind of oversight does Shen have over it’s coaches, and how do they get evaluated? It’s frustrating for a child in a freshman or JV program to never get direct feedback on what they need to do to get better. Many coaches feel that the players can ‘figure it out for themselves’. That isn’t often the case!

A.  Every coach is evaluated at the end of every season.  If there is a concern, contact the Director of Athletics at 881-0396.