Tag: District

Will Shen be setting aside classrooms at the high school for Ramadan prayers this year?

A. Shen never set aside classrooms for Ramadan prayers. Any student of any religion who needs privacy to fulfill a religious obligation will be provided space to do so based on the specific need. Contact the principal to set up.

Hi, Im a proud Shen mom and have been very involved in my children’s academic lives. I’ve heard through some other various concerned parents, that there will be a personal laptop device given to all students in the coming school year. I would just like to say, I’ve done my own research on these google chromebook devices that my children have told me they use in the classroom. After some digging, I discovered starting prices of chromebooks for schools are $149! If we estimate that there is 3200 students in the high school level, and multiply that by 149 we get nearly half a million dollars!!!! This is horrifying, I am truly disgusted with the schools incompetence on how to spend money. This will definitely be brought up at the next Board meeting by me and my girls!

A. If you research the price of textbooks and you will understand just one of the many benefits of Chromebooks.

We heard a rumor today that there was a new school already in the works to be built in the Halfmoon area; that would be ready for students in two years and that will be the start of all day Kindergarten. Is this rumor true? If so, when was the public going to be informed?

A. No. First of all, we don’t currently have land in Halfmoon. Second of all, to purchase land and build a school requires a public vote. Third of all, from the conception to the opening of a school is approximately a five-year timeline. 

How long do questions stay on teh grapevine? I was scrolling down looking for a answer to my question, but there was only say 23 responses. Looking for a friend. Thank you and hav e anice day.

A. Some go into the archives. Date specific questions get deleted after the date.

Hello! I’d like to know what is the policy regarding each students individual Shenschools.org Email account. After they graduate, is there access to the email removed? What are the limits of what someone can write in the documents? I am writing a story using docs and its convenient to use my Shen schools gmail with the Chromebooks. Am I also able to get in trouble for having some adult themes (Non-Pornographic) in said story? Thank you!

A. Students and staff leaving the district may download their G-Suites data to an archive file.  In compliance with Google’s G-Suites for education policy, student and staff accounts are disabled on or shortly after their date of departure.

Who in my child’s school do I need to contact to opt them out of the State Tests.

A. Your child’s principal.

Why does shen use sonicwall as a blocker? It always slows things down while we are waiting for it to respond,chrome os is a very light operating system and the sonicwall makes it run horribly because it almost never responds and is constantly sending data to the main server which in turn makes the chromebooks run like crao

A.  School districts are mandated to provide content filtering.  The SonicWall content filter is a robust enterprise solution that provides both on campus and off campus filtering for district devices.  Slow responses are likely a result of WiFi signal strength or limited bandwidth when connected off campus.  Significant latency while on campus should be reported […]

Who is on the district-wide emergency response team?

A. It is made up of district officials, staff, board members, law enforcement, emergency responders, parents and students.

If a building principal does not take action regarding something brought to them about school safety, who should someone go to next?

A. The superintendent.

It breaks my heart to ask, but will all grade levels be practicing shooting drills anytime soon?

A.  In accordance with our Emergency Response protocols, buildings practice a myriad of drills.  The active shooter demonstration by the Saratoga County Sheriff’s Department has been conducted in the past but not drilled. We are looking to review it and begin practicing it in the buildings.