Tag: Home Slider

Middle school students designed and built a city of the future that embodies a solution to an important sustainability issue.

Tesago Musical Theatre Club presents SpongeBob The Musical: Youth Edition on Friday, February 7 at 7pm and Saturday, February 8 at 2pm and 7pm in the High School West Auditorium (click for more).

  Tickets can be purchased online: http://tesago.booktix.com or at the door before each performance.

Mrs. Sansone and Ms. Butera’s 4th graders learning about lacrosse from 2 Albany FireWolves lacrosse players this week. 

Mrs. Sansone and Ms. Butera’s 4th graders learning about lacrosse from 2 Albany FireWolves lacrosse players this week. 

Orenda Mindfulness Assembly with Tommie Burch

Orenda Mindfulness Assembly with Tommie Burch

Gowana and Koda students were recognized by the Clifton Park Veterans of Foreign War Post #1498 for their winning entries in the regional Patriots’ Pen Essay Contest!

Gowana and Koda students were recognized by the Clifton Park Veterans of Foreign War Post #1498 for their winning entries in the regional Patriots’ Pen Essay Contest!

Shen Colorguard Show – Sat. 2/1 at 3:30pm at HSE (click to learn more!)

Saturday February 1st 3:30pm High School East 27 performing groups from New York and New Jersey. Tickets available at the door $12.00 for adults $10.00 for seniors (65 & older) Under 3 free if sitting on a parent lap

Gowana 6th graders learn about Ancient Egypt in the Gowana Library!

Gowana 6th graders learn about Ancient Egypt in the Gowana Library! Students rotated through five stations where they learned how to decode and write their own hieroglyphics, labeled and created 3D pyramids, learned about the mummification process, identified landforms on a map and created their own Ancient Egyptian tomb. 

7th graders enjoy reading at the Gowana Library.

7th graders enjoy reading at the Gowana Library.

Congrats to FLL Qualifier Champions – Ctrl+Alt+Elite and Data Deleted (click to learn more)!

On January 11, team Ctrl+Alt+Elite (FLL Team #3276) won their qualifier and on January 25, Data Deleted (FLL Team #64570) won their qualifier, resulting in both teams advancing to the Championship tournament on February 8th at RPI. Congrats to both teams!

Animator, Hsiang Chin Moe, met with the High School Animation classes to speak about being an animator!

Animator, Hsiang Chin Moe, met with the High School Animation classes to speak about being an an animator. imator!