Tag: Middle School

My child is in 7th grade and gets so much homework. Their teachers assign many assignments that are more than three pages, every few days. I do understand that the kids are learning and they need to be more responsible with how they spend their time, but this homework is creating additional stress and anxiety into my child’s life. Is there anybody we can talk to about this?

A. Absolutely. The counseling center is a great resource and can help with strategies such as time management, learning strategies, stress management and more. Their website (https://sites.google.com/shenschools.org/gr6-8counseling/home) has tons of useful resources and information.

in the middle school are we allowed to bring coffee, tea, juice, etc. as long as they are sealed?

A. Only water is allowed during the school day.  Other drinks are acceptable in the lunchrooms during lunch time.

Where is the Middle School Auditorium located — where the middle school parent information meetings will be held this week?

A. The middle school auditorium is located in Gowana.

Can i use my locker neighbors old locker to store my own stuff? They moved away and told me the combo so i could use it(middle school)

A. You are only authorized to use the locker that has been assigned to you.

Hi, I am a 6th grade student and I was wondering how do you get a talk with your counselor? I have been wanting to have a meeting to talk about something but I don’t know how you get a time where you can talk to your counselor. I’m guessing it’s not as easy as just writing a pass and going during a study hall. Thanks,

A. You can walk in the counseling office and let the counseling secretary know that you need to speak to your counselor.  The secretary will set up an appointment for you.

Hi, in Gowana today the social-studies teachers had to show a presentation on cyber-bullying. It said one of the bad things to do was to say things that were “Hate Speech”. It should not be included in the presentation because that is a very controversial topic. Tell me, what DEFINES “Hate Speech”? You can’t answer that for everyone because some people think somethings are hateful while others do not. Also, this was not brought up in the presentation, but isn’t a simple solution to this just to block the person in question?

A. Hate speech is speech that attacks a person or group on the basis of attributes such as race, religion, ethnic origin, national origin, sex, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

When looking at my classes I noticed that period zero was from 7:15-7:55. Is this correct?

A.  Period 0 for middle school is 8-8:40am.

Are middle schoolers allowed to wear hats or chew gum while in school?

A.  No hats. Gum is at the discretion of the teacher.

As a concerned parent my child has told me the 8th Grade Social Studies final is going to be taken through edoctrina, and I have heard of the disaster that was the NYS testing and I feel this is going to cause a vast amount of trouble, and I don’t want my students to be forced to use this flawed system or have their tests delete. Can we change this?

A. Middle school students took final exams with a web-based software platform that is different than the one used for NYSED testing.  Students have been successfully using this platform all year for tests and quizzes in many English, Social Studies, Science, and Math classes

if you fail a LOTE class, will you have to go to summer school to make it up? 8th grade

A.  No, you are only recommended for the 2-week summer review course if you fail the Checkpoint A exam on June 18.