Archive for January, 2019

Why aren’t students doing chemistry labs required to wear gloves? They are dealing with dangerous chemicals, and then touching all of their papers, pencils, and phones. It seems like this is not a safe method.

A.  All required safety protocols and procedures are followed when conducting investigations in our science laboratories. At times, students are required to wear gloves as a precaution and/or teachable practice when certain materials or chemicals are being used. However, students at the Middle School and High School levels are not exposed to or allowed to […]

So, Shen has a Twitter, but it’s blocked on Shen’s Campus… The Shen BYOD denies access to personal cellular networks or plans and denies access to Virtual Private Networks. So there is no way to access Shen’s Twitter without breaking the BYOD policy. Could you at least unblock Shen’s Twitter? Or add a separate section regarding news on Shenet?

A.  It is not possible to whitelist an individual Twitter feed.

Share School Photos for Yearbook.

Share School Photos for Yearbook. Here is the link where kids/parents/teachers can share photos for the yearbook directly to google drive:   Tesago Yearbook Order Form  

Tesago Yearbook Order Form

Tesago Yearbook Order Form   Share School Photos for Yearbook. Here is the link where kids/parents/teachers can share photos for the yearbook directly to google drive:

If a student is online schooled, but lives in the area of shen, are they allowed to do shen sports?

A. No. Please see BOE Policy 8470R:

Can you wear clothing that has the confederate flag on it?

A. According the dress code in the Code of Conduct (BOE Regulation 4410R)…In order to promote and foster a culturally proficient school environment preserving respect, dignity, and civility, students shall not wear or display racially or ethnically provocative or divisive symbols or items that are vulgar, obscene, libelous, or denigrate others because of race, color, […]

When do Junior class ranks become available to students and how do I access my rank?

A. When counselors meet with underclassmen in Feb and March, as part course selection, students can obtain their current class rank.  It is important to note that class rank is officially calculated fall of Senior year. 

Why are the shen buses only one color? Don’t you think the students would be happier if the buses were multiple colors?

A. It’s the law.

Next year I will be a senior, because my birthday is in October and I won’t be turning 17 until after the school year starts, would I be able to get a parking pass before I turn 17? I heard that its first come first serve and I would much rather just drive in because I have work before school.

A.  Parking passes are provided to students who have met the academic and behavioral requirements, have a valid driver’s license, and a registered vehicle. All of these items are required at the time of application.

how do you change a password on a chromebook?

A.  At the logon screen of any middle or high school Chromebook click on the apps icon in the lower left corner and select Password Self Help Tool.  If you have previously setup your profile you can answer a challenge question to reset your password.  If you have not previously setup your profile you must […]