Effective Monday, April 25, 2022
Morning Drop-Off Procedures:
There is NO drop-off on the bus port in the front of the school. Please drop off students in the student drop-off lane marked on the side of the building.
Doors open for student drop-off at 8:55 a.m. each morning. Please DO NOT drop off students before 8:55 a.m., as adult supervision is not in place before 8:55 a.m.
If you wish to walk your child to the doors, please park in the parking lot. The number of cars dropping off children in the morning can be quite lengthy on a regular day and is even more so when we have inclement weather. Cars should not line up before 8:55 a.m., as this will block the entrance to Chango or interfere with school bus traffic. All students should exit from the passenger side of the car onto the curb. Cars must stay in the drop-off line until the entire line of cars moves forward. Passing cars in front of you is prohibited, as it creates a safety hazard for unsuspecting students getting out of cars.
Student Pick-Up at Dismissal:
Please send an email chango-attendance@shenschools.org indicating that you or someone else will be picking up your child. Your child will be released for pick up at dismissal, not earlier. Teachers instruct the children until dismissal time and unanticipated interruptions hinder their teaching.
Please do not park along the curb area in front of the school. This area is to be used by BUSES ONLY in the afternoon. Please park in the parking lot. Parents should enter and exit through the gym doors on the side of the building. Parents will not be allowed into the gym until 3:05 p.m. At the end of the day, Kindergarten students and all walkers will be dismissed at 3:10 p.m. and students riding a bus will be dismissed at 3:15 p.m. Students being picked up will be dismissed to the gym. A Chango staff member will be in the gym with a sign-out sheet. Please sign the sheet and then wait for your child in the gym. Children will not be allowed to run in the gym or climb on equipment. When your child arrives, please immediately exit with your child through the side gym doors. If someone other than a parent or guardian is picking up a student, they may be asked to provide identification.
Early Dismissal During School Day:
Please send an email to chango-attendance@shenschools.org indicating that you or someone else will be picking up your child, including the reason for dismissal and the time you will be picking up your child. Parents must come to the main office to sign their child out. Parents may not go to their child’s classroom to pick up their child.